Monday, 20 October 2014

Practice Short Film

In preparation for creating our movie trailers or short films we, in lesson time, have practised using the cameras and editing footage by filming a practice short film. In the sequence we attempted to use a range of camera shots and angles such as the extreme close up of Katie as shown below.
Extreme close up. The extreme close up can be a very effective shot within horror movies in particular as it can demonstrate to the audience the fear in a character's eyes. The shot can also be used to create tension between two or more characters in a scene.

The medium close up is useful to show a character's facial expressions in context to their body language.

  The low angle shot is often used to show a character as an authority figure as they are above the audience or whoever is looking up at them 
Close up. These are used to focus upon the character and clearly show facial expressions. They are also commonly used for reaction shots.

High angle shot. These are used to make a character appear to be in a position of inferiority, suggesting that they are weak or vulnerable.
Extreme long shot. These are usually used at the start of a film or scene as an establishing shot-to give the viewer and idea of the setting i.e. location, time of day etc. 


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