I was unhappy with the previous font that I used for the title of my film, as after editing it appeared to be fuzzy and made the trailer look very low quality. Due to this factor I have decided to change the font that I will use to improve the quality of my trailer. I have decided to use the same font generating site that I used for my magazine coursework last year. The link to this website is given below.
I think where I went wrong with my previous font was attempting to make it too complex. For this reason I have now gone for a more simplistic approach, using one block colour and a simple font. I feel as though, while it is more simplistic, it is more effective and has a higher impact.
After discovering this font on the font generating website I also thought that it might be a good idea to play around with the text that is used in-between scenes in the trailer to see if I could make that more effective too. To carry the theme through I decided to use the same text as the main title 'Vanish' (as shown above) as this too is more effective and as more impact than the previous font and text used, that could be seen as boring. In making these changes I have discovered that it can be much more effective and have a higher impact on the audience if it is kept simple and manufacturing kept to a minimum as this avoids complex confusion.